
Employee related travel

Reduce emissions from business travel

Cut carbon from business travel.

Action Guide

Reduce emissions from commuting

Lower greenhouse gas emissions from employee commutes.

Action Guide
Action Guide

Reduce emissions from business travel

Business travel emissions vary by company. This guide explains how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from business travel, which applies to all sectors.

Our Action Guides focus on simplicity and speed and are appropriate for all SMEs.

Time to complete: 10 minutes

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Action Guide

Reduce emissions from commuting

This guide explains how to lower greenhouse gas emissions from commuting—the transportation of employees between their homes and workplaces.

Our Action Guides focus on simplicity and speed and are appropriate for all SMEs.

Time to complete: 10 minutes

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Redesign your approach to transport

EDF’s Electric Fleet Solution Centre

Follow the stages to transition your Class 3-8 vehicles.

External resource

Transition to Electric Vehicles

Incorporate EVs into your fleets and develop charging infrastructure.


Reduce emissions from freight and goods transport

Address emissions from your shipping and goods transportation.

Action Guide
External resource

EDF’s Electric Fleet Solution Centre

Everything you need to know about transitioning your Class 3-8 vehicles. Electrifying your fleet is a long-term strategy for your company. This site is designed to help you turn your company’s electrification goals into reality. It pulls together the most valuable (and vetted) fleet electrification resources, a comprehensive checklist and expertise from leaders in the space.

Provided by EDF


Transition to Electric Vehicles

This Action Course is designed for SMEs interested in transitioning their business to electric vehicles. It provides practical guidance on efficiently incorporating EVs into your fleets and developing charging infrastructure to keep your vehicles on the road.

Whilst aimed at the film and TV production industry, there are applicable elements to all sectors and businesses.

Time to complete: 40 minutes

Action Guide

Reduce emissions from freight and goods transport

The shipping sector is responsible for eight percent of global carbon emissions. There are already solutions that companies can implement to dramatically lower these emissions. This guide covers how to reduce emissions from shipping and goods transportation.

Our Action Guides focus on simplicity and speed and are appropriate for all SMEs.

Time to complete: 10 minutes

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Poor Excellent

Transport case studies

VMI: Business improves when you take climate action

This camera rental company that has incorporated solar panels to generate most of their electricity and is transitioning their van fleet to EVs.

Read full case study here

Enpro becomes a climate leader in the Indian manufacturing sector.

Being a small business has not deterred Enpro from making bold, unconventional choices. Exploring pathways for climate action has unlocked new avenues for the company’s growth. Their advice to their peers is simple – begin with small changes but make a start on reducing emissions. One such action includes choosing electric vehicles for two-wheeled transportation for Enpro’s work, both within and outside its own premises

Read full case study here