The SME Climate Ambition Drive
Help mobilize 10,000 SMEs to make the SME Climate Commitment!
Help mobilize 10,000 SMEs to make the SME Climate Commitment!
Step 1
Register as a Supporter. The SME Climate Ambition Drive is open to any stakeholder implementing climate action best practices. Sign up.
Step 2
Join our exclusive kick-off webinar and learn how to take advantage of free SME Climate Hub resources to engage your SMEs.
Step 3
Leverage our free resources to drive climate action in your networks and value chains and invite your SMEs to attend an exclusive SME webinar.
Step 4
Promote your role as a Supporter of the SME Climate Ambition Drive and influence your peers to become Supporters.
Step 5
Nominate SME climate leaders in your networks for consideration to be featured in SME Climate Hub case studies.
See the steps you can take and get help building a plan to cut your business emissions today.
Revisa los pasos que puedes dar y obtén ayuda para elaborar un plan para reducir las emisiones de tu empresa hoy mismo.
اطلع على الخطوات التي يمكنك اتخاذها واحصل على المساعدة في وضع خطة لخفض انبعاثات شركتك اليوم.
Découvrez les mesures que vous pouvez prendre et obtenez de l’aide pour élaborer un plan pour réduire les émissions de votre entreprise dès aujourd’hui.
It’s easy to make the commitment. Just complete a form sharing your intent to reduce your emissions.
You’ll earn public recognition for taking the first step.
Es fácil comprometerse. Solo tienes que completar un formulario compartiendo tu intención de reducir tus emisiones.
Ganarás reconocimiento público por tomar este primer paso.
الالتزام سهل. ما عليك سوى تعبئة نموذج لمشاركة عزمك على تقليل انبعاثاتك.
سوف تحظى باعتراف عام باتخاذك الخطوة الأولى.
S’engager est simple. Il suffit de remplir un formulaire indiquant votre intention de réduire vos émissions.
Vous gagnerez une reconnaissance publique pour avoir fait le premier pas.
Don't have an account? Create account
Don't have an account? Create account to access our tools or make the SME Climate Commitment
Don't have an account? Create account to access our tools or make the SME Climate Commitment
Please enter your email address. You will receive a link to create a new password via email.