Good 4 Business's Climate Report

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Introduction *

Commitment and Targets *

Own Emissions *

Value Chain Emissions *


Results, Challenges and Outlook *

Version 1.1.0

Introduction *

1.1 Reporting year



1.1.1 Reporting period


from 7.2023 to 6.2024

1.2 Describe your business activities


Business Consulting

1.4 Number of employees in the reporting year



1.4.1 Full-time equivalent (FTE) or headcounts


Full-time equivalent

1.5 Let us know if your company is a parent company or subsidiary


Parent company

Commitment and Targets *

2.1 Net zero target year



2.1.1 Base year



2.2 Near-term target


100% of absolute total emission reduction from my base year by 2030

Own Emissions *

3.1 To reduce emissions in line with my commitment, my company has a plan and is taking action



Energy consumption

3.2 Total energy consumption


2122 kwh

3.3 Renewable energy


282 kwh

Scope 1 emissions

3.4 Scope 1 emissions


0 metric tons CO2e

Scope 2 emissions

3.5 Location based scope 2 emissions


.576 metric tons CO2e

3.6 Market based scope 2 emissions


0 metric tons CO2e

3.7 Describe your plans and actions taken to reduce scope 1 & 2 emissions.


Scope 1 does not apply to this business. Scope 2: Reduce electricity consumption by 25% with energy-saving device management.

3.8 Describe the calculation methodology and comment on the data accuracy, including any tools/methods used to calculate.


The office is a home office, and energy consumption is based on 1/8 of the total home energy usage, including renewable (solar) energy.

Value Chain Emissions (optional) *

Scope 3 emissions

4.1 Have you measured any of your scope 3 emissions?



4.1.1 Total scope 3 emissions


.841 metric tons CO2e

Supply chain related - upstream emissions

4.1.2 Purchased goods and services


.609 metric tons CO2e

4.1.7 Business travel


.232 metric tons CO2e

Customer related - downstream emissions

4.1.17 Do you have a plan and are taking action to reduce emissions from your value chain?



Business travel in this FY was based on petrol car travel. Plan to reduce with EV car.

4.2 Have you asked any of your suppliers to set a net zero target (either voluntarily or as a requirement)?



4.3 Have you communicated your commitment and actions to any of your customers?



4.4 Describe the calculation methodology and comment on the data accuracy and any tools used to calculate your scope 3 emissions.


The business travel was calculation on accommodation nights and km travelled by car.

Results, Challenges and Outlook *

7.1 Provide any additional comments or context on your annual results and progress from previous years.


Emissions have remained consistent with the previous year.

7.2 Do you face any key challenges in reducing emissions?


Balancing emission reductions with business growth,Slow societal and economic progress on climate action,Limited influence over suppliers

7.3 Has there been any third party validation of the data submitted in this report?



Trace and Business Carbon Calculator by Normative were used.

Good 4 Business's Climate Report

Good 4 Business's Climate Report - 2024

Introduction *

1.1 Reporting year



1.1.1 Reporting period


from 7.2023 to 6.2024

1.2 Describe your business activities


Business Consulting

1.4 Number of employees in the reporting year



1.4.1 Full-time equivalent (FTE) or headcounts


Full-time equivalent

1.5 Let us know if your company is a parent company or subsidiary


Parent company

Commitment and Targets *

2.1 Net zero target year



2.1.1 Base year



2.2 Near-term target


100% of absolute total emission reduction from my base year by 2030

Own Emissions *

3.1 To reduce emissions in line with my commitment, my company has a plan and is taking action



Energy consumption

3.2 Total energy consumption


2122 kwh

3.3 Renewable energy


282 kwh

Scope 1 emissions

3.4 Scope 1 emissions


0 metric tons CO2e

Scope 2 emissions

3.5 Location based scope 2 emissions


.576 metric tons CO2e

3.6 Market based scope 2 emissions


0 metric tons CO2e

3.7 Describe your plans and actions taken to reduce scope 1 & 2 emissions.


Scope 1 does not apply to this business. Scope 2: Reduce electricity consumption by 25% with energy-saving device management.

3.8 Describe the calculation methodology and comment on the data accuracy, including any tools/methods used to calculate.


The office is a home office, and energy consumption is based on 1/8 of the total home energy usage, including renewable (solar) energy.

Value Chain Emissions (optional) *

Scope 3 emissions

4.1 Have you measured any of your scope 3 emissions?



4.1.1 Total scope 3 emissions


.841 metric tons CO2e

Supply chain related - upstream emissions

4.1.2 Purchased goods and services


.609 metric tons CO2e

4.1.7 Business travel


.232 metric tons CO2e

Customer related - downstream emissions

4.1.17 Do you have a plan and are taking action to reduce emissions from your value chain?



Business travel in this FY was based on petrol car travel. Plan to reduce with EV car.

4.2 Have you asked any of your suppliers to set a net zero target (either voluntarily or as a requirement)?



4.3 Have you communicated your commitment and actions to any of your customers?



4.4 Describe the calculation methodology and comment on the data accuracy and any tools used to calculate your scope 3 emissions.


The business travel was calculation on accommodation nights and km travelled by car.

Results, Challenges and Outlook *

7.1 Provide any additional comments or context on your annual results and progress from previous years.


Emissions have remained consistent with the previous year.

7.2 Do you face any key challenges in reducing emissions?


Balancing emission reductions with business growth,Slow societal and economic progress on climate action,Limited influence over suppliers

7.3 Has there been any third party validation of the data submitted in this report?



Trace and Business Carbon Calculator by Normative were used.

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