Introduction *
Good Business's Climate Report
Commitment And Targets *
Own emissions *
Value chain emissions *
(optional)Actions and plans to reduce emissions *
Climate Solutions *
(optional)Management and strategy *
(optional)Results, challenges and outlook *
Introduction *
reporting year
number of employees in the reporting year
Commitment And Targets *
net zero target year
Base year
comment on your net zero targets
*We have updated our baseline year to 2022 (previously 2020). Our activities as a business were dramatically affected by the pandemic and 2022 represents the first full year post-pandemic, which therefore is more representative of the way we work in a post Covid world, particularly in relation to office versus remote working.
near-term scope 1 target
target year
near-term scope 2 target
target year
near-term scope 3 target
target year
comment on your near-term targets
*Our Scope 1 target is to ensure we remain at zero emissions every year. Our near term targets have changed as we have rebased to 2022, so that our base year better reflects our current business activities and ways of working. Our previous target was aligned to a 2020 baseline , which was severely disrupted by Covid-19.
Own emissions *
scope 1 emissions
scope 1 emissions (metric tons co2e)
own facilities
own vehicles
own processes
scope 2 emissions
scope 2 emissions (metric tons co2e)
total energy consumption (kwh)
renewable energy
purchased electricity
metric tons CO2eRenewable electricity (%)
purchased steam
Renewable electricity (%)
purchased heating
Renewable electricity (%)
purchased cooling
Renewable electricity (%)
Comment on your energy consumption
*7,838 kWh of electricity consumed, of which 100% comes from renewable sources. In a location-based calculation this represents 1.5 tonnes of CO2e.
Value chain emissions (optional) *
scope 3 emissions
scope 3 emissions (metric tons co2e)
supply chain related - upstream emissions
purchased goods and services
metric tons CO2ecapital goods
metric tons CO2efuel and energy related activities
metric tons CO2etransportation and distribution (upstream)
waste in operations
metric tons CO2ebusiness travel
metric tons CO2eemployee commuting
metric tons CO2eleased assets (upstream)
metric tons CO2ecustomer related - downstream emissions
transportation and distribution (downstream)
processing of sold products
use of sold products
end-of-life treatment of products
leased assets (downstream)
List any sources of emissions excluded:
describe the calculation methodology and comment on accuracy:
*In calculating our carbon footprint, we closely followed the guidance set out in the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Standard , an international standard that is widely regarded as best practice for greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting and reporting. The calculations represent Good Business’ carbon footprint for the 2022 calendar year from 1st January 2022 to 31st December 2022. We have included all scope 1 and 2 emissions categories and relevant scope 3 emissions as follows: Scope 1: Emissions associated with sources controlled by Good Business, including heating fuel consumption. Scope 2 (Location-based): Emissions associated with purchased electricity calculated using grid-average emission factors for the UK. Scope 2 (Market-based): Emissions associated with purchased electricity calculated using a supplier-specific emission factor. Scope 3: Emissions associated with purchased goods and services, capital goods, fuel and energy related activities, waste management, business travel, employee commuting, employees working from home and upstream leased assets. We used a spend based approach to calculate the emissions associated with purchased goods and services, waste, business travel, and upstream leased assets, using industry averages from a variety of sources including Table 19. For the emissions from capital goods we used a spend based approach using both supplier specific and industry wide emissions factors. For commuting emission we used industry average emission factors and applied them to the actuall commuting habits of our employees, gathered through an employee survey, completed by 100% of employees; and finally for homeworking emissions, we used the methodology provided by EcoAct's white paper, using employee data provided about their home electricity and gas tariffs, which was also gathered through the employee survey. All six greenhouse gases covered by the Kyoto Protocol were included in the scope of the carbon footprint. This carbon footprint was calculated using a variety of different kinds of data. 39% of our footprint was calculated using actual data (Scope 2, FERA, Waste, Business Travel and Employee commuting); 43% of our footprint was calculated based on spend data (Purchased Goods and Services and Leased Assets); and the rest, 18% was calculated based on Proxy data (Capital goods)
Actions and plans to reduce emissions *
Scope 1 Actions
own facilities
own vehicles
own processes
scope 2 actions
purchased electricity
In 2022, we renovated the office and during that renovation we updated most of our IT Tech. We believe this will lead to a slight decrease in emissions due to newer IT equipment being more energy efficient. We believe our new screens and keyboards are 60% more efficient than previous equipment, and the updated server box will help reduce emissions by 30%. As part of these renovations, we also looked to upgrade our electric heating system, which represented an estimated 37% of our total energy consumption. We have replaced six heaters with two newer, more energy-efficient models. These are estimated to consume 75% less energy per kWh.
purchased steam
purchased heating
purchased cooling
scope 3 actions
supply chain related (upstream)
purchased good and services
PG&S remains a challenge. As we grow our business, so does our need for support services. Many of our core services are provided by other SMEs or sole traders, such as our IT supplier, accountants, bookkeeper and design partners. Some of them are already working with our SME partner, Net Zero Now, and we will support them as needed to complete their first carbon footprint. However, in the next year, we will allocate specific resource from within our climate team to support our core independent suppliers to start their carbon footprint and reduction journeys in 2023.
capital goods
This year, emissions from Capital Goods increased as a result of a one-off office renovation. One of the drivers was to invest in technologies that would better enable us to work with clients and each other remotely, so as to avoid future emissions from business travel and employee commuting. The remaining emissions will come from the upgrading of employee devices. We are currently looking into replacing computers with refurbished rather than new ones when needed, about every 5 years.
fuel and energy related activities
transportation and distribution (upstream)
waste in operation
We intend to reduce emissions resulting from waste by 2% every year. This will be done through internal activities still to be defined.
business travel
In 2022, we introduced a new business travel policy that restricted the most carbon intensive forms of air travel, such as short-haul, business and premium economy flights, and limits long haul travel in premium economy. All business meetings within one hour of a Eurostar hub should now be reached viaEurostar, and restrictions are in place around the class of air travel where no alternative exists. We are also investing in our own office technology and digital working skills to ensure that we minimise business travel wherever possible. We are also looking into implementing internal carbon pricing mechanisms to help us reduce distance travelled over time. This is currently being explored and will be implemented by 2024.
employee commuting
Since 2020, employees have completed an employee travel survey. We know that many of our colleagues already walk, cycle or use public transport to reach the office. In 2022, we opted to remove the cap on our CycleScheme programme, meaning that colleagues can choose to use the scheme on newer models and e-bikes should they wish. We also trialled a salary sacrifice scheme for electric cars for one employee; however, this is currently limited by our size but we hope to expand this in the future. We will continue to review our green benefits package annually to ensure greener forms of transport are increasingly available to our colleagues.
upstream leased assets
customer related (downstream)
transportation and distribution (downstream)
processing of sold products
use of sold products
end-of-life treatment of products
leased assets (downstream)
i have asked my suppliers to halve emissions before 2030 and join the un-backed race to zero campaign
i have communicated my commitment and actions to my business customers and asked them to join the un race to zero
Climate Solutions (optional) *
are you investing in climate and/or nature outside your value chain?
Management and strategy (optional) *
Results, challenges and outlook *

Good Business's Climate Report
Good Business's Climate Report - 2022
Introduction *
reporting year
number of employees in the reporting year
Commitment And Targets *
net zero target year
Base year
comment on your net zero targets
*We have updated our baseline year to 2022 (previously 2020). Our activities as a business were dramatically affected by the pandemic and 2022 represents the first full year post-pandemic, which therefore is more representative of the way we work in a post Covid world, particularly in relation to office versus remote working.
near-term scope 1 target
target year
near-term scope 2 target
target year
near-term scope 3 target
target year
comment on your near-term targets
*Our Scope 1 target is to ensure we remain at zero emissions every year. Our near term targets have changed as we have rebased to 2022, so that our base year better reflects our current business activities and ways of working. Our previous target was aligned to a 2020 baseline , which was severely disrupted by Covid-19.
Own emissions *
scope 1 emissions
scope 1 emissions (metric tons co2e)
own facilities
own vehicles
own processes
scope 2 emissions
scope 2 emissions (metric tons co2e)
total energy consumption (kwh)
renewable energy
purchased electricity
metric tons CO2eRenewable electricity (%)
purchased steam
Renewable electricity (%)
purchased heating
Renewable electricity (%)
purchased cooling
Renewable electricity (%)
Comment on your energy consumption
*7,838 kWh of electricity consumed, of which 100% comes from renewable sources. In a location-based calculation this represents 1.5 tonnes of CO2e.
Value chain emissions (optional) *
scope 3 emissions
scope 3 emissions (metric tons co2e)
supply chain related - upstream emissions
purchased goods and services
metric tons CO2ecapital goods
metric tons CO2efuel and energy related activities
metric tons CO2etransportation and distribution (upstream)
waste in operations
metric tons CO2ebusiness travel
metric tons CO2eemployee commuting
metric tons CO2eleased assets (upstream)
metric tons CO2ecustomer related - downstream emissions
transportation and distribution (downstream)
processing of sold products
use of sold products
end-of-life treatment of products
leased assets (downstream)
List any sources of emissions excluded:
describe the calculation methodology and comment on accuracy:
*In calculating our carbon footprint, we closely followed the guidance set out in the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Standard , an international standard that is widely regarded as best practice for greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting and reporting. The calculations represent Good Business’ carbon footprint for the 2022 calendar year from 1st January 2022 to 31st December 2022. We have included all scope 1 and 2 emissions categories and relevant scope 3 emissions as follows: Scope 1: Emissions associated with sources controlled by Good Business, including heating fuel consumption. Scope 2 (Location-based): Emissions associated with purchased electricity calculated using grid-average emission factors for the UK. Scope 2 (Market-based): Emissions associated with purchased electricity calculated using a supplier-specific emission factor. Scope 3: Emissions associated with purchased goods and services, capital goods, fuel and energy related activities, waste management, business travel, employee commuting, employees working from home and upstream leased assets. We used a spend based approach to calculate the emissions associated with purchased goods and services, waste, business travel, and upstream leased assets, using industry averages from a variety of sources including Table 19. For the emissions from capital goods we used a spend based approach using both supplier specific and industry wide emissions factors. For commuting emission we used industry average emission factors and applied them to the actuall commuting habits of our employees, gathered through an employee survey, completed by 100% of employees; and finally for homeworking emissions, we used the methodology provided by EcoAct's white paper, using employee data provided about their home electricity and gas tariffs, which was also gathered through the employee survey. All six greenhouse gases covered by the Kyoto Protocol were included in the scope of the carbon footprint. This carbon footprint was calculated using a variety of different kinds of data. 39% of our footprint was calculated using actual data (Scope 2, FERA, Waste, Business Travel and Employee commuting); 43% of our footprint was calculated based on spend data (Purchased Goods and Services and Leased Assets); and the rest, 18% was calculated based on Proxy data (Capital goods)
Actions and plans to reduce emissions *
Scope 1 Actions
own facilities
own vehicles
own processes
scope 2 actions
purchased electricity
In 2022, we renovated the office and during that renovation we updated most of our IT Tech. We believe this will lead to a slight decrease in emissions due to newer IT equipment being more energy efficient. We believe our new screens and keyboards are 60% more efficient than previous equipment, and the updated server box will help reduce emissions by 30%. As part of these renovations, we also looked to upgrade our electric heating system, which represented an estimated 37% of our total energy consumption. We have replaced six heaters with two newer, more energy-efficient models. These are estimated to consume 75% less energy per kWh.
purchased steam
purchased heating
purchased cooling
scope 3 actions
supply chain related (upstream)
purchased good and services
PG&S remains a challenge. As we grow our business, so does our need for support services. Many of our core services are provided by other SMEs or sole traders, such as our IT supplier, accountants, bookkeeper and design partners. Some of them are already working with our SME partner, Net Zero Now, and we will support them as needed to complete their first carbon footprint. However, in the next year, we will allocate specific resource from within our climate team to support our core independent suppliers to start their carbon footprint and reduction journeys in 2023.
capital goods
This year, emissions from Capital Goods increased as a result of a one-off office renovation. One of the drivers was to invest in technologies that would better enable us to work with clients and each other remotely, so as to avoid future emissions from business travel and employee commuting. The remaining emissions will come from the upgrading of employee devices. We are currently looking into replacing computers with refurbished rather than new ones when needed, about every 5 years.
fuel and energy related activities
transportation and distribution (upstream)
waste in operation
We intend to reduce emissions resulting from waste by 2% every year. This will be done through internal activities still to be defined.
business travel
In 2022, we introduced a new business travel policy that restricted the most carbon intensive forms of air travel, such as short-haul, business and premium economy flights, and limits long haul travel in premium economy. All business meetings within one hour of a Eurostar hub should now be reached viaEurostar, and restrictions are in place around the class of air travel where no alternative exists. We are also investing in our own office technology and digital working skills to ensure that we minimise business travel wherever possible. We are also looking into implementing internal carbon pricing mechanisms to help us reduce distance travelled over time. This is currently being explored and will be implemented by 2024.
employee commuting
Since 2020, employees have completed an employee travel survey. We know that many of our colleagues already walk, cycle or use public transport to reach the office. In 2022, we opted to remove the cap on our CycleScheme programme, meaning that colleagues can choose to use the scheme on newer models and e-bikes should they wish. We also trialled a salary sacrifice scheme for electric cars for one employee; however, this is currently limited by our size but we hope to expand this in the future. We will continue to review our green benefits package annually to ensure greener forms of transport are increasingly available to our colleagues.
upstream leased assets
customer related (downstream)
transportation and distribution (downstream)
processing of sold products
use of sold products
end-of-life treatment of products
leased assets (downstream)
i have asked my suppliers to halve emissions before 2030 and join the un-backed race to zero campaign
i have communicated my commitment and actions to my business customers and asked them to join the un race to zero
Climate Solutions (optional) *
are you investing in climate and/or nature outside your value chain?
Management and strategy (optional) *
Results, challenges and outlook *
Not sure how to start?
See the steps you can take and get help building a plan to cut your business emissions today.
¿No estás seguro de por dónde empezar?
Revisa los pasos que puedes dar y obtén ayuda para elaborar un plan para reducir las emisiones de tu empresa hoy mismo.
لست متأكداً كيف تبدأ؟
اطلع على الخطوات التي يمكنك اتخاذها واحصل على المساعدة في وضع خطة لخفض انبعاثات شركتك اليوم.
Vous ne savez pas par où commencer ?
Découvrez les mesures que vous pouvez prendre et obtenez de l’aide pour élaborer un plan pour réduire les émissions de votre entreprise dès aujourd’hui.
Ready to commit to lower emissions?
It’s easy to make the commitment. Just complete a form sharing your intent to reduce your emissions.
You’ll earn public recognition for taking the first step.
¿Listo para comprometerte a reducir tus emisiones?
Es fácil comprometerse. Solo tienes que completar un formulario compartiendo tu intención de reducir tus emisiones.
Ganarás reconocimiento público por tomar este primer paso.
هل أنت مستعد للالتزام بتقليل الانبعاثات؟
الالتزام سهل. ما عليك سوى تعبئة نموذج لمشاركة عزمك على تقليل انبعاثاتك.
سوف تحظى باعتراف عام باتخاذك الخطوة الأولى.
Prêt à vous engager pour réduire les émissions ?
S’engager est simple. Il suffit de remplir un formulaire indiquant votre intention de réduire vos émissions.
Vous gagnerez une reconnaissance publique pour avoir fait le premier pas.
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