Supply Chains

Identify and address your supply chain emissions through engagement and action.

Make a plan and engage suppliers

Engaging suppliers to reduce emissions

Take steps to work with your suppliers to reduce emissions across your value chain.

Action Guide

Design a supplier engagement program

Develop plans to work with suppliers on reducing carbon emissions in your supply chain.

External resource

Reduce emissions in your supply chain

Engage with suppliers to address supply chain emissions.

Action Guide

Engaging suppliers to reduce emissions

This guide offers a step-by-step approach to collaborating with your suppliers to lower emissions in your value chain. It provides a framework which encourages suppliers to take action against climate change. Follow the steps in order or start with actions that are easiest to implement in the short-term.

Our Action Guides focus on simplicity and speed and are appropriate for all SMEs.

Time to complete: 10 minutes

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Poor Excellent
External resource

Design a supplier engagement program

Scope 3 emissions substantially contribute to an organization’s carbon footprint. This resource outlines how to develop supplier engagement plans for Scope 3 upstream decarbonization, by securing buy-in, tailoring engagement, and supporting the decarbonization journey of suppliers.

This resource is particularly helpful for larger SMEs with a considerable number of suppliers.

Time to complete: 10 minutes

Provided by WBCSD


Reduce emissions in your supply chain

Scope 3 emissions comprise those that result from your business’s activities yet are not within the direct control of your business. This module will walk you through what you can do to change how your supply chain works as well as how to work with your suppliers to encourage them to reduce their own emissions.

Our courses are designed for SMEs of all sizes and acts a good entry points for those getting started.

Time to complete: 30 minutes


Address emissions from wider sources

Reduce emissions from data and IT services

Follow these steps to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from IT and data equipment.

Action Guide

Reduce emissions from freight and goods transport

Address emissions from your shipping and goods transportation.

Action Guide
Action Guide

Reduce emissions from data and IT services

This guide walks you through the steps needed to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from your IT and data equipment, including devices like phones, computers, servers, and printers that are often found in offices.

Our Action Guides focus on simplicity and speed, and are appropriate for all SMEs.

Time to complete: 10 minutes

Overall, how would you rate this resource?
Poor Excellent
Action Guide

Reduce emissions from freight and goods transport

The shipping sector is responsible for eight percent of global carbon emissions. There are already solutions that companies can implement to dramatically lower these emissions. This guide covers how to reduce emissions from shipping and goods transportation.

Our Action Guides focus on simplicity and speed and are appropriate for all SMEs.

Time to complete: 10 minutes

Overall, how would you rate this resource?
Poor Excellent

Go further

Design for net zero

A toolkit for sustainable product design.


Utilize alliances and co-investments

Build and use partnerships to solve decarbonization challenges.

External resource

Design for net zero

A simple, entry-level toolkit for non-design professionals to learn about the role of design in reducing emissions and best practices for implementing changes.  This module will help you consider different aspects of designing products that are better for the climate.

Our courses are designed for SMEs of all sizes and act as a good entry points for those getting started.

Time to complete: 30 minutes

External resource

Utilize alliances and co-investments

Companies face many challenges in decarbonizing their supply chains that cannot be tackled independently. Partnerships can help solve these decarbonization challenges and enable SMEs to leverage action from the companies they work with. This resource outlines how to identify and build relevant partnerships.

Time to complete: 15 minutes

Provided by WBCSD

Case study on engaging your supplier

Responsible Sustainable Drinkware Company MiiR Proves Small Climate-Action Steps Yield Big Rewards.

MiiR are B-Corp sustainable drinkware business who have placed an emphasis on working with suppliers who can provide innovative solutions.

Read full case study here