
Understand the basic principles

Reducing your business impact on nature

Address your impact on nature within and beyond your value chain.

Action Guide

Navigate Nature-Based Disclosure Frameworks

Learn how to make informed nature-based disclosures.

External resource
Action Guide

Reducing your business impact on nature

To limit global temperature rise to 1.5℃ we must rapidly reduce emissions and protect and restore nature. This short guide will cover actions you can take to address your impact on nature within your value chain, beyond your value chain, and how to communicate and report on these efforts.

Our Action Guides focus on simplicity and speed, and are appropriate for all SMEs.

Time to complete: 10 minutes

Co-written with Restor

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External resource

Navigate Nature-Based Disclosure Frameworks

Nature-based disclosures can be complicated, but it is important to report on your company’s nature impacts. Use this resource to understand the basics and current disclosure landscape as well as how to make informed nature-based disclosures following one or more recognized frameworks.

Time to complete: 10 minutes

Provided by EDF


Invest in nature and source sustainable commodities

Understand carbon credits

Learn how to support your sustainability goals with carbon credits.

External resource

Understand carbon credit quality

Ensure the carbon credits your company purchases meet standards.

External resource

The Sustainable Commodities Resource Hub

Source sustainable and legal commodities.

External resource

Understand carbon credits

Carbon credits support the reduction or removal of greenhouse gases and are available for purchased by companies to support sustainability goals. Follow this resource to learn more about them.

This resource is for SMEs looking to complement their decarbonization strategy with purchased carbon credits.

Time to complete: 10 minutes

Provided by EDF

External resource

Understand carbon credit quality

High-quality carbon credits meet rigorous standards of governance, emissions impact, sustainable development, and equability for Indigenous Peoples and local communities (IPLCs). Follow this resource to ensure the carbon credits your company purchases meet these standards.

For SMEs looking to dive deeper into using carbon credits as an option to mitigate emissions.

Time to complete: 15 minutes

Provided by EDF


The Sustainable Commodities Resource Hub

This online platform is a central hub of information, tools and resources to help your business source sustainable and legal commodities – especially those that can be linked to deforestation and conversion of natural habitats, such as palm oil and soya.

This is a high-level resource for SMEs looking to take action on the commodities they buy.

Provided by Efeca